Metal or Wooden Furniture?

Metal furniture and metal equipment have become particularly popular in recent years, both on a design and decorative level, as well as on a practical and functional level.

A few years ago, metal furniture was only used for practicality, and design and style took second place.

Today, their popularity is beyond any precedent and in the market you will find a multitude of different types of metal furniture with modern and stylish designs that can completely replace traditional wooden furniture.

Why is metal furniture better?

The rise in popularity of metal furniture and equipment is due to several factors:

1. The style and design has changed.

Furniture manufacturers, in their effort to promote metal furniture to the general public, have invested time and money in the best design that combines aesthetics with functionality and ergonomics. Metal designs no longer limit you design-wise since they can match exterior and interior spaces and be perfectly combined with existing wooden furniture as well as the surrounding space.

2. Durability and reliability.

When it comes to durability and solid construction, no piece of furniture can compete with the features of metal furniture. They are built with the ultimate purpose of standing the test of time and offering unsurpassed durability. While wooden furniture will wear out over time and inevitably sooner or later you will have to replace it, with metal furniture this is not going to happen.

Usually metal furniture is made of steel, sheet metal or aluminum or with impurities and metals, and they offer a huge lifespan. Also don't forget that wood is much more sensitive and needs more care. For example, depending on the use you make of it and the wear and tear it has suffered, it will need polishing at regular intervals. In contrast, metal furniture is finished in such a way that it can withstand heavy and intense daily use.

3. Hygiene and cleanliness.

It is known that wooden furniture can be carriers of germs and insects due to its more absorbent surface, since insects such as bed bugs, etc. they can eat wood and live in holes and crevices. Due to its nature and its finish, metal is not a friendly environment for insects that avoid contact.

4. Increased ergonomics.

Metal furniture offers higher levels of ergonomics and practicality since they are manufactured in such a way that assembling, disassembling and moving them becomes a breeze and often with the use of minimal or no tools at all.

This makes them ideal furniture in case you need to move them during a renovation, move or simply for cleaning reasons.

5. Wider choice of colors.

Metal offers different characteristics than wood and is much easier to paint. Wood needs a special process and care to be painted and you can't achieve all the colors you like, which with metal is very easy to achieve. You can also choose colors with a wood-like finish and no one will be able to tell the difference. At ALCAN, we offer all our furniture and equipment in a huge variety of colors. All you have to do is choose the color of your preference from our color chart and we will take care of the rest!

6. Suitable for outdoor use.

A key disadvantage of wooden furniture is that it cannot be placed in outdoor areas such as gardens, terraces and terraces. In case of rain you will have to collect them or cover them to protect them from water, but in any case you will accelerate their deterioration.

Most metal furniture offers increased weather resistance since it is waterproof and stainless. All ALCAN furniture is made of high-quality galvanized sheet metal that does not rust and withstands adverse weather conditions, making it ideal for placing in any outdoor space.

7. Cost.

Undoubtedly, a wooden piece of furniture is much more expensive than its metal counterpart. Taking into account the constant care and money investment required, the cost difference becomes even more apparent making metal furniture the most advantageous choice.


Metal furniture and professional equipment for every need.

Discover Alkan's wide variety of metal furniture and find the right piece of furniture for your needs at the most competitive prices on the market, and with the guarantee of a purely Greek company with history and tradition in the field.